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Ready to take the next step?

Applying for admission to CPA is as easy as 1-2-3. We are accepting applications for rising 6th-9th grade male and female students.

The first step in the process is applying online. After you apply our office will reach out to you within two business days to provide you with a schedule of upcoming enrollment events.


All prospective students are invited to participate in a CPA Shadow Day, available each Wednesday after Thanksgiving Break. Shadows are paired with a CPA student who hosts them while they participate in “a day in the life” at Crossover Prep from 8:00 AM to 3:30 PM. Parents should plan to attend between 8:00 AM and 9:00 AM. During the Shadow Day, students will conduct academic pre-testing and parents will fill out important enrollment paperwork.

If applicable, please bring the following items with you:

  • Copy of IEP/504 Plan for Special Education
  • Copy of recent report card (required for current 8th Graders)

3. Enrollment Meeting

Once your student is accepted for admission, we will notify you by phone and/or email. At that time, we will invite you to one of our monthly Enrollment Meetings, where parents will turn in the following:

  • $50 Enrollment Fee (applicable to uniform shirts or other school supplies in August)
  • Birth certificate
  • First two pages of most recent tax return
  • Tribal citizenship card (if applicable)
  • Immunization records (including the TDAP for 7th grade and above)
  • Oklahoma Parental Choice Tax Credit confirmation (Sign up HERE)

    We will provide you with a welcome packet with important information about our calendar, back-to-school night, dress code, and more. Welcome to CPA!