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2020-2021 Back-to-School “Frequently Asked Questions”
Updated: August 19, 2020

Parents, we are providing these FAQs to support your readiness for a return to school in the fall. Please note that any future outbreaks or mandates set by city, state or federal governments could alter information in this document. We will update this information should that occur.



Q: Why is Crossover Prep not starting the year with online learning?

Crossover Prep is uniquely well positioned to be able to hold in-person classes compared to many large urban districts. As a secondary school, it is much easier for our students to comply with hygiene requirements (especially face coverings) than it is for Pre-K and Kindergarten students. Our small class sizes (15 students on average) reduce the amount of exposure that students and teachers face during each class period. With around 125 students, we also have much lower overall enrollment than TPS schools. The average TPS middle school has over 500 students, and TPS high schools range from 350 to almost 1,300 students. Not only does high enrollment increase the amount of exposure that students and staff have to viruses and germs, it also greatly reduces a school’s flexibility in responding to situations as they arise. We believe that we will be able to sanitize, protect, and adapt much more effectively than many other schools would be able to.

Q: Has the first day of school changed for Crossover Prep?

A: Yes. The first day of school is now September 8th. New Student Orientation is Thursday, September 3.

Q: Has the school day schedule changed for the 2020-21 school year?

A: Yes. The daily schedules can be found in our Parent-Student Handbook. Breakfast is served from 7:15 to 7:55, with school officially beginning at 8:05 and ending at 4:30 Monday-Thursday.

Q: Are there any planned closures of school for the 2020-21 school year?

A: No. There are no planned closures. If a closure were required for the health and safety of students, CPA will switch to “Remote Learning.”

Q: What is “Remote Learning”?

A: If we have any disruption to the 2020-21 school year, we will continue to provide online instruction (with daily live-streamed classes in the morning and time for homework and check-ins with ACs in the afternoons) until we are able to return to the school building. We hope Remote Learning is not necessary for 2020-21, but we are prepared to press forward with full instruction if it becomes necessary.

Q: When will Crossover Prep notify staff and families about a school closure?

A: If a student or staff member tests positive for COVID-19, we will notify the school community as soon as possible. If we are notified about the positive case after school hours, we will advise families and staff that we plan to be closed the following day. If we are notified about the case during school hours, we will enter a lockdown protocol to limit any further mixing between students and advise parents that they can pick up their students immediately. Students who cannot be picked up until the end of the school day will be supervised and kept safe.

Q: If school has to be shut down for health reasons, how long will school be closed?

A: In general, we will plan for any closures to be two weeks in length.

Q: Will there be any virtual days built into the school calendar?

A: No. 

Q: Will Crossover Prep offer full-time online classes as an alternative to classroom instruction?
A: Yes. Students who are unable to return to in-person schooling may apply for Select Remote status at

Q: If I choose not to send my student to Crossover Prep this year, will he be able to re-enroll next year? 

A: Any student who withdraws from Crossover Prep to attend a different school or a virtual school this year will be permitted to re-apply for the 2021-2022 school year. A returning student will be given priority admission, but there is no guarantee that there will be any spots available in his particular grade.



Q: What steps will Crossover Prep take to keep school as safe as possible?

A: CPA will make every effort to promote healthy practices and protocols in our school. At the beginning of the day, everyone will receive a temperature check before entering the building. We are adding a full-time janitor to our staff to increase the amount of cleaning and sanitizing that takes place during the day. Frequent hand-washing and other healthy protocols will be modeled by adults and encouraged for students. Air purifiers have been ordered for every classroom, and teachers will leave doors open and open windows as much as possible to improve ventilation. Additionally, hand sanitizer and hand sanitizing stations will be present throughout the school building.

Q: How will social distancing occur?

A: Social distancing will be difficult in any school context, but there are several steps we will take to promote it at Crossover Prep.

  • To start the year, all Convocations will be held outside (weather-permitting) to allow for more space and fresh air.
  • Additional seating will be added to the cafeteria to reduce the number of students at each table during breakfast and lunch.
  • Whenever possible, recess will be held outside.
  • Teachers will be encouraged to provide more space between desks where possible, and we have ordered outdoor seating and mobile hotspots to allow some classes to take place outside, when feasible.


Q: What steps can families take to keep school as safe as possible?

A: We ask that parents check their children’s health status at home every morning. Please use the self-check list below.

By sending your child to school, you are representing to Crossover Preparatory Academy that the answer to each of these questions is “no”.

  1. Does your child have a fever of 100 degrees or more?
  2. Is your child experiencing a new change of taste or smell, nausea or vomiting, or diarrhea?
  3. Is your child experiencing two or more of the following symptoms of COVID-19?
  • Chills
  • Cough
  • Fatigue
  • Muscle or body aches
  • Headache
  • Sore throat
  • Congestion or runny nose
  1. Is your child experiencing ANY of the Emergency Warning Symptoms of COVID-19?
  • Shortness of breath
  • Persistent pain or pressure in the chest
  • New confusion
  • Inability to wake or stay awake
  • Bluish lips or face
  1. Has your child had, or do you think your child has, COVID-19?
  2. Has your child tested positive for COVID-19?
  3. Has your child been around a person with COVID-19?

Q: Will staff members be taking these same protocols?

A: Yes. CPA is requesting that every employee ask these same questions of themselves before leaving home each day.

Q: What will you do if someone at the school tests positive for COVID-19?

A: Yes, if a student, staff member, or visitor to the school tests positive for COVID-19, we will announce the positive test result to the CPA family. A positive case in a staff member or student will trigger a two week school closure with a temporary pivot to Remote Learning.

Q: Should a parent notify the school if their child or someone in their family tests positive for COVID-19?

A: Yes. The child should not return to school and the parent should notify the Office Manager at (918) 749-9866 or the student’s Academic Coach, if unable to reach the Office Manager.


Q: If I suspect that I may have COVID-19 or may have been exposed to someone with it, should I quarantine?

A: Yes. Please notify the administration and arrange to be tested immediately. Do not return to school until you have a negative test result. If you are living in the same home as someone who has tested positive, please remain in quarantine until they and you both have negative test results.

Q: If a student or staff member tests positive for COVID-19, when may they return to the school?

Students or staff members who test positive for COVID-19 may return to school when all the following conditions have been met:

  • 10 days after the original onset of symptoms
  • 24 hours fever-free with no fever-reducing medication
  • Symptoms (e.g. cough, shortness of breath) have improved

Q: Will wearing face coverings/masks be mandatory for staff/students to attend school?

A: As the City of Tulsa is currently mandating face coverings, Crossover Prep will require them for staff and students at school. Our current plan is to provide reusable clear plastic face shields for all students and staff to wear. They will be returned to the school at the end of the day and sanitized overnight.



Q: Will activities (field trips, assemblies, concerts, etc.) be held in the fall semester?

A: Our primary focus right now is making every effort for school to be in session for the 2020-21 school year and to keep our students and staff safe and healthy. Athletic activities have taken place this summer with modified protocols. Determinations about activities will be made as we enter each phase of the school year. If school were to be shut down completely, then all activities would also stop.

Q: Will the school host Back-to-School nights in August?

A: No. Academic Coaches will contact families in the two weeks before school starts to schedule a time for parents to sign their son’s scholarship check for the year and to purchase any needed school uniforms.



Q: How will parents receive updates and information throughout the school year?

A: TeacherEase will be used to update parents. Please make sure your contact information is always updated, especially your email address, and download the TeacherEase app if you are an iPhone user in order to receive push notifications in addition to email alerts.

Q: If I have a question that hasn’t been answered here, what do I do?

A: If, after reading these FAQs, you still have questions please feel free to email Philip Abode, our Executive Director, at